Our Projects

Countries of Cooperation

Start of project: December 2024
End of project: December 2025
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Conducting a survey as part of an impact analysis of the Hessian digitization funding program “Distr@l”

Funded by: Hessian Ministry for Digitalization and Innovation (HMD) Since the beginning of 2020, the state of Hesse has been supporting digital innovation projects with [Read More]Funded by: Hessian Ministry for Digitalization and Innovation (HMD) Since the beginning of 2020, the state of Hesse has been supporting digital innovation projects with the "Distr@l" funding program to drive digital transformation in the Hessian economy. The program, with four funding lines, targets small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups, universities, and research institutions, funding application-oriented projects that support the transfer of knowledge between science and industry, the training and securing of skilled workers, and the further development of digital technologies. CEval GmbH is conducting an accompanying impact analysis of the funding program to capture the medium-term effects of the innovation projects. This analysis is based on a written, semi-standardized online survey of funding recipients 12 to 24 months after the completion of their projects. The goal of the annual survey, which is to be conducted every year in the future, is to provide empirically measurable indicators that offer insights into project development and to provide recommendations for the further development of the funding program and for supporting SMEs in the digital transformation. The results are aimed at both project recipients and responsible political actors, as well as at press representatives and the interested public.
Management: Stefan Silvestrini | Co-Worker: Hilde Folger
Ex Post Evaluation, Mid- term Evaluation
Start of project: November 2024
End of project: July 2025
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Evaluation of the EndOCSEA@Europe Project

Funded by: Safe Online In response to the alarming rise of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA), the Council of Europe has commissioned the [Read More]Funded by: Safe Online In response to the alarming rise of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA), the Council of Europe has commissioned the EndOCSEA@Europe project, implemented in two phases, to combat OCSEA across Council of Europe member states. Phase I (2018-2021) focused on mapping legislation, policies, and practices on OCSEA, strengthening laws, enhancing law enforcement capacities, and raising awareness in countries such as Albania, Armenia, and Ukraine. Phase II (2023-2025), focuses on further strengthening actions, particularly in Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Montenegro. The project promotes multi-stakeholder collaboration, legislative reforms, capacity-building, and awareness campaigns, integrating recommendations from Phase I, with synergies sought with other Council of Europe initiatives. Managed by the Children’s Rights Division, it involves key stakeholders, including government authorities, law enforcement, NGOs, and professionals working with children. The evaluation of the EndOCSEA@Europe project aims to assess its effectiveness, impact, efficiency, and sustainability across both phases, focusing on legislative improvements, cross-border cooperation, capacity-building, and implementation challenges. Using a non-experimental, theory-based, mixed-methods approach with extensive stakeholder participation, the evaluation will examine the project's Theory of Change, impact, and scalability at political, institutional, community, and individual levels. Data will be gathered through interviews, case studies, and surveys, analyzed using triangulation for validity, and following the OECD-DAC criteria with a focus on age- and gender-sensitive methodologies.
Management: Stefan Silvestrini | Co-Worker: Hilde Folger
Ex Post Evaluation
Start of project: August 2024
End of project: October 2024
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Project Evaluation: Promotion of Adult Education Uganda

The Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) is supporting the Government of Uganda with the implementation of the Integrated [Read More]The Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) is supporting the Government of Uganda with the implementation of the Integrated Community Learning for Wealth Creation (ICOLEW) programme. As part of the programme, DVV has initiated the introduction of Community Learning Centres (CLC) together with government partners in six districts covering all major areas of Uganda. CLC provides a range of learning opportunities and services to youth and adults from surrounding communities on topics such as functional literacy/numeracy, other forms of non-formal livelihoods/vocational skills, health and sanitation, as well as business skills. DVV International commissioned the CEval GmbH to evaluate the success of the CLC approach. The evaluation team assesses to what extent the introduction of CLC is functional and has achieved its objectives. The evaluation is based on the OECD-DAC criteria and is structured by an evaluation matrix developed be the CEval team. During a one-week on-site mission in Uganda, the evaluation team will visit CLCs to collect qualitative data by conducting interviews and focus group discussions. Data will be assessed applying qualitative content analysis. Findings will be presented and discussed in a comprehensive evaluation report.
Management: Susanne Johanna Väth | Co-Worker: Nicolle Comafay-Heinrich, Janis Wicke
PPP, Program Evaluation
Start of project: March 2024
End of project: February 2025
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Evaluation of the “Knauf Training Initiative Phase I and II”

DEG Impulse uses the develoPPP Classic program to support measures by well-established enterprises that wish to operate in developing and emerging countries on a long-term [Read More]DEG Impulse uses the develoPPP Classic program to support measures by well-established enterprises that wish to operate in developing and emerging countries on a long-term basis and thereby shape their business involvement in a sustainable manner. One of the projects under develoPPP Classic is the “Knauf Training Initiative” (KTI) in its phase I (2018-2023) and phase II (2021-2026). Knauf is one of Europe’s leading manufacturer of gypsum-based construction materials and also specialized in production of isolating materials and cement products. The main objective of the KTI is the establishment of training centers (TCs) to improve the technical qualification and employability of young people, students and skilled workers in the field of drywall construction and related products. Through the TCs, both practical and theoretical modules imparting comprehensive knowledge regarding the application of drywall construction techniques are provided to installers, architects/civil engineers, academic staff and unemployed people. The KTI is to provide people with the possibility of completing a training, which in turn should lead in the long-term to sustainable career prospects. CEval GmbH was commissioned by DEG Impulse to evaluate the KTI. The evaluation assessed the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the KTI, identified methodological lessons learned and conclusions resulting from the findings, and provided evidence-based, actionable recommendations for DEG Impulse and Knauf. Furthermore, the evaluation integrated a gender perspective, in order to address the initiative’s effects on gender mainstreaming and women empowerment. Eventually, the evaluation investigated the additionality of the initiative, i.e., the extent to which further and/or more impacts were achieved through the financial support of DEG Impulse. The evaluation followed a mixed-methods case-study design, collecting primary data through individual and group interviews in Germany and three target countries (i.e., Egypt, Algeria and Mexico), as well as a semi-standardized online survey among TC staff in countries not visited. Secondary data, including monitoring reports, training materials, and TC survey data, were analyzed through a desk study. The evaluation team conducted interviews with TC staff, stakeholders, and beneficiaries, ensuring appropriate representation of diverse target groups. The data analysis involved qualitative content analysis using the software MaxQDA, as well as a descriptive statistical analysis of quantitative data from the surveys, with disaggregation by gender and country where possible.
Management: Stefan Silvestrini | Co-Worker: Dzoara Santoyo Castillo
Accompanying, Accompanying evaluation, Ex Post Evaluation, Program Evaluation
Start of project: December 2023
End of project: November 2027
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RePack-Network. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Sustainable Packaging of Food: Networking and Transfer Program for Plastics Reduction

Food is often packaged in plastics that are only used for a short time and are rarely reused or recycled. In addition to the considerable [Read More]Food is often packaged in plastics that are only used for a short time and are rarely reused or recycled. In addition to the considerable consumption of resources, the environment is also polluted by macro- or microplastics. The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is therefore promoting innovations that help to package food more sustainably and reduce plastics along the value chain. In the RePack network, five research institutions under the leadership of the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) accompany, support and evaluate twelve innovation projects in this funding programme. In the projects, universities and research institutions work together with companies to develop new production processes, innovative materials, packaging with an increased recycled content or reusable packaging. The “Networking and Transfer Program for Plastics Reduction” is investigating how existing sustainable packaging concepts can be expanded. The aim is to bundle the results for different target groups and bring the projects into dialogue: To this end, cluster and themed workshops as well as conferences are being designed and organised at which the projects can network with each other and with the interested specialist public. A website and social media presence as well as a regular newsletter provide information on the progress of the projects and give insights into the innovations. The results of the funded projects are used to derive overarching recommendations for action for politics, business, civil society and consumers. The task of CEval GmbH within the “Networking and Transfer Program for Plastics Reduction” is the conception and implementation of the accompanying and final evaluation of the BMEL funding programme for the development of packaging innovations for the food industry. To this end, a results model for the funding programme will be created, which will be empirically validated and refined, and indicator sets will be developed for the project level as well as the levels of the funding programme and the overarching innovation programme of the BMEL. Building on this, the annual accompanying evaluations and the final summative evaluation will analyse the design and implementation of the funding programme, its results and their sustainability and transferability to other fields of application, as well as identifying further fields of action and research needs. Methodologically, the theory-based evaluation follows a mix of document analyses, individual and group interviews and supplementary online surveys.
Management: Stefan Silvestrini | Co-Worker: Hansjörg Gaus, Matthias Klapproth, Hilde Folger | Cooperation Partner: Institute for Ecological Economy Research, IÖW, Gesellschaft für Verpackungsmarktforschung, GVM, Institute for Social-Ecological Research, ISOE, Sustainable Packaging Institute (SPI) of Albstadt-Sigmaringen University
Impact Analysis
Start of project: November 2023
End of project: November 2024
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Tracer study of alumni of the Max Weber Foundation’s institutes abroad 2005-2022

The Max Weber Foundation (MWS) is one of the leading organisations supporting German research in humanities and social sciences abroad. Therefore, the foundation maintains 11 [Read More]The Max Weber Foundation (MWS) is one of the leading organisations supporting German research in humanities and social sciences abroad. Therefore, the foundation maintains 11 institutes located around the world, which have a bridging function between the host countries and Germany. The institutes abroad play a particularly important role in the professional development and support of young academics in an international and interdisciplinary environment. CEval GmbH has been contracted by the MWS to carry out a tracer study. The study will analyse the professional careers of former employees who worked at one of the MWS's institutes abroad in a qualification position or a long-term scholarship and who left between 2005 and 2022. The aim of the study is to evaluate the success and thus the competitiveness of the promotion of young academics at the institutes. The tracer study follows a mixed-methods approach combining qualitative and quantitative instruments for data collection and analysis. An online survey, semi-structured interviews and a secondary data analysis will be applied.
Management: Sandra Bäthge | Co-Worker: Vera Hennefeld, Sabrina Göbel, Tanja Stockmann
Organizational Consulting, Program Evaluation
Start of project: November 2023
End of project: March 2024
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Evaluability Assessment of UNICEF Jordan Country Program 2023-2027 commissioned by the UNICEF JCO

The purpose of the evaluability assessment of the UNICEF Jordan Country Programme (JCO) was to ensure that medium- and long-term results can ultimately be demonstrated. [Read More]The purpose of the evaluability assessment of the UNICEF Jordan Country Programme (JCO) was to ensure that medium- and long-term results can ultimately be demonstrated. The scope of the evaluability assessment covered JCO Country Programme Document (CPD) 2023-2027, including its six programme sections (health & nutrition, education, child protection, adolescent & youth, WASH, social policy & protection), monitoring systems, annual planning, and evaluation plans and the cross-cutting priorities (gender equality, disability inclusion, climate change, social equity, social behaviour change (SBC) and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA)). The objectives of the evaluability assessment were (1) to provide an independent assessment of how well JCO is prepared for a country programme or strategic framework evaluation and (2) to provide recommendations to enhance the evaluability of the CPD. The aim was to examine whether JCO has planned to effectively manage key risks, to establish mechanisms for timely implementation of evaluation recommendations, and whether it possesses the essential resources and infrastructure required to prove results achievement. The EA aimed to enhance JCO's preparedness for the upcoming evaluation of the CPD. The evaluability assessment employed a theory-based approach to analyse the methodological preconditions necessary for assessing effectiveness, impacts, and sustainability of UNICEF's Country Programme. These preconditions included clear definitions of program results, baseline data availability, and timely target data. The assessment also aimed to establish meaningful hypotheses to understand the causal relationship between the JCO and observed development results. Contextual factors were considered crucial for a valid analysis, with an emphasis on identifying and monitoring risks and framework conditions. A detailed evaluability matrix guided the systematic analysis and structured data collection. A mixed-methods approach was adopted, using primary and secondary data sources as well as qualitative and quantitative methods to ensure validity and reliability. Stakeholder participation was integral, involving interviews with heads of JCO units and sections, consultations, and feedback loops to incorporate diverse perspectives.
Management: Susanne Johanna Väth | Co-Worker: Dafina Sinatra | Cooperation Partner: Center for Evaluation and Development (C4ED)
Organizational Consulting
Start of project: November 2023
End of project: June 2024
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Study on double counting of GIZ standard indicators at country level

Funded by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) In German development cooperation, several projects usually work towards a common goal in a [Read More]Funded by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) In German development cooperation, several projects usually work towards a common goal in a country, a region, and/or a sector, but report their results individually and often without comparing them with each other. 2022 the BMZ has introduced the "BMZ 2030" reform concept and thus decided that GIZ projects should report on 44 so-called standard indicators along defined core topics. This laid the foundation for cross-project reporting of results, which can also be used for political communication. However, due to the multiple collection of data, there is a risk that the aggregation of these indicators at the country level will overestimate the results and impacts achieved. The aim of the study was to develop a method for identifying the frequency and magnitude of these overlaps, to apply this method, and, based on the findings, to draw up recommendations on how double counting can be avoided in the future. To this end, a quantitative "hot spot" analysis was carried out on the basis of an online survey conducted by GIZ in order to identify the potential risk of overlaps. For the subsequent validation of the actual occurrence of overlaps, empirical data was collected from interviews with portfolio managers and cluster coordinators. Based on this data, the magnitude of overlaps was estimated, and a methodologically robust solution approach was developed.
Management: Stefan Silvestrini | Co-Worker: Hilde Folger
Accompanying, Program Evaluation
Start of project: October 2023
End of project: September 2025
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Evaluation of the Deval Funding Programme Rigorous Impact Evaluation

The RIE funding programme supported a matchmaking between actors from science and development cooperation, which led to funding of nine rigorous impact evaluations (RIE) to [Read More]The RIE funding programme supported a matchmaking between actors from science and development cooperation, which led to funding of nine rigorous impact evaluations (RIE) to be implemented between March 2023 and September 2025. Scientific institutions in Germany were eligible to apply together with a development project funded by the Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The programme aims to remove barriers to the implementation of RIE and to support systematic anchoring of RIE in German development cooperation. CEval GmbH was commissioned with the evaluation of the RIE funding programme by the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval). The evaluation is carried out according to the OECD-DAC criteria and is based on a comprehensive analysis grid. A mix of methods is applied: The RIE project proposals and interim reports are assessed by means of a systematic review, which is structured by an assessment grid. Guideline based interviews are conducted with all relevant stakeholder groups of the programme at two points in time. In addition, a standardised online survey is implemented, which addresses all scientists and representatives of the development organisations as well as local scientists in the partner countries who are directly involved in the implementation of the nine RIE. In addition, a Delphi survey is implemented as innovative method for looking to the future. For the first Delphi round, international experts will be recruited and their perspective on the future role of RIE in German development cooperation will be examined by thematic-focussed interviews. The results will be assessed and returned to the panel participants in a second round of inquiry in the form of an online survey in order to identify, weight and prioritise converging and diverging perspectives and views of the experts.
Management: Susanne Johanna Väth | Co-Worker: Matthias Klapproth, Hansjörg Gaus, Janis Wicke
Development M&E-System, Organizational Consulting
Start of project: October 2023
End of project: November 2023
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Development of an M&E concept for the BBK’s international project work

The International Affairs Division at the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) develops projects abroad as part of Germany's international engagement. These [Read More]The International Affairs Division at the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) develops projects abroad as part of Germany's international engagement. These are based on expertise in civil protection and disaster relief and are implemented in cooperation with national and local authorities abroad. The BBK commissioned CEval GmbH to support the development of a needs-based monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for international project work. The objectives of the assignment were: (i) the development of an M&E concept for the BBK's international project work, taking into account existing project documents, the (political) framework conditions and the BBK's strategic orientation as well as staffing capacities; (ii) the further development of existing instruments and the development of additional instruments to make the impact-oriented monitoring of international projects more efficient; (iii) the presentation of the concept and the instruments at a workshop for the BBK's project staff and project managers. In developing the M&E system for the BBK's International Affairs Division, CEval GmbH pursued a theory-led approach in order to create the foundations for an impact-orientated M&E system. In addition, the team pursued a participatory approach with the close involvement of the client in order to best align the M&E system with the client's needs. The team advised and supported BBK in the introduction of SMART indicators at various levels for a methodologically sound M&E system and organized an M&E workshop for project staff and project managers for the projects in Jordan, Ukraine and Tunisia.
Management: Susanne Johanna Väth | Co-Worker: Dafina Sinatra