New Publication: HANDBOOK ON EVALUATION (2024)

Handbook on Evaluation (2024)

We are thrilled to announce the release of the “Handbook on Evaluation,” a comprehensive guide authored by Professor Reinhard Stockmann and the CEval team. This new publication serves as a vital resource for those engaged in the evaluation of public and social policies, projects, and programs. The Handbook provides a systematic and comprehensive exploration into […]

The first Asia-Pacific Evaluation Landscapes webinar series has taken place

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Stockmann, Senior Professor of Sociology at Saarland University and founder and director of the Center for Evaluation (CEval), shared insights on Asia-Pacific evaluation landscapes in a webinar hosted by the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association’s National Evaluation Policies and Systems (NEPS) theme group on April 23, 2024. This webinar marks the beginning of […]

“Meta-Evaluation” in the Journal of Evaluation (Zeitschrift für Evaluation)

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Stockmann and Dr. Stefan Silvestrini are the editors of the main topic “Meta-Evaluation” in the newly published issue 1/2023 of the Zeitschrift für Evaluation (ZfEv), which comprises six original contributions and a practical report. In addition to the editorial by the editors, two of the six original articles on the topic of […]

New publication: The Institutionalisation of Evaluation in the Americas

The book ‘The Institutionalisation of Evaluation in the Americas’ is the second volume of the project ‘Evaluation Globe – Compendium on the Institutionalisation of Evaluation’ with the overall aim to provide an interdisciplinary audience with cross-country learning to enable them to better understand the institutionalisation of evaluation in different nations, world regions and sectors.