#gLOCAL2024 Moving the Needle: Regional Perspectives on Evaluation Capacity Development

The Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is hosting the webinar “Moving the Needle: Regional Perspectives on Evaluation Capacity Development” for #gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2024. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Stockmann, founder and director of the Center for Evaluation (CEval), is invited to join the OVE panel with other renowned experts: Futhi […]

Islamic Development Bank strengthens decision-making through Evaluation

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) is using evaluation to make its decision-making processes at both the programmatic and strategic levels even more evidence-based. The aim is to strengthen the operational departments’ understanding of the importance of evaluation in the program cycle. The requirements for high-quality evaluations are to be created as early as the program […]

Consortium of Institutions on M&E education in Asia Pacific

Launch supported by CEval/IPDET. The results of our CEval research project “Evaluation Globe” as well as a specially conducted study program mapping show that the Asia-Pacific region has insufficient regular academic programs in evaluation, both, on postgraduate and undergraduate level. Evaluation knowledge is mainly based on learning on the job and/or through irregular and extremely […]

Invited to the Parliament of Sri Lanka

As part of a workshop in Colombo/Sri Lanka on “Better Policy through Evaluation”, organized by IPDET on behalf of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), a debate was held in Parliament. The aim of the event was to convince parliamentarians of the value of evaluation for policy decisions. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Stockmann (Director of the Center […]

Parliamentarians delighted by evaluation

CEval convinces parliamentarians of the benefits of evaluation In many countries, the decisions of parliamentarians are not based on facts. Instead, convictions, subjective views or information from less reliable sources often dominate. In order to breathe life into the buzzword ‘evidence-based policy‘, the International Program for Development Evaluation (IPDET) conducted a workshop on behalf of […]

Final conference of the university cooperation between PUCE, UCR and UdS

Strengthening evidence-based policy through University Cooperation: At the end of their university cooperation, funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE), the University of Costa Rica (UCR) and the Center for Evaluation (CEval) of Saarland University (UdS) held a conference on November 23 & 24, 2022 in San José/Costa […]

IPDET and the international evaluation community

One of the extra-curricular activities targeted to promote personal and global (evaluation) exchange during the IPDET On-Site Program was the Participant’s Forum with World Exhibition. As part of the American Evaluation Association’s “365 – A Tip a Day”, IPDET featured this activity and the importance of targeted community building in a short blog post. Read […]

IPDET 2022 was back in Bern!

After two years in which the IPDET (International Program for Development Evaluation Training) training program could “only” be conducted online (despite all that, extremely successfully) due to the pandemic, 137 participants from 67 countries met at the University of Bern between July 11 and 22, 2022 for a unique learning and networking experience. During its […]