CEval cooperates with GIZ Vietnam

For almost two years the CEval supported the “Social Dimension of Sustainable Green Growth” project, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Vietnam. The GIZ project provides capacity building in Social, Gender and Policy Impact Assessment for the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam and relevant implementing agencies. The CEval developed an academic curriculum on M&E and Impact Assessment for the Hanoi Law University, the University of Labor and Social Affairs, and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and conducted several online workshops to prepare the teaching staff for implementing respective course modules. The workshops included practical case studies, group works and plenary discussions. Expert inputs and feedback by our experts led to a deep understanding of the topics and their methodological foundations. As the positive feedback from the universities and participants, as well as the good media coverage shows, the virtualization of the collaboration due to the pandemic situation, has not reduced its success. We are thus pleased to have been able contributing again to the professionalization of evaluation in an international context and look forward to the collaboration with GIZ in developing a training concept for government employees to be designed until the end of November 2021.

Visit the official GIZ SD Project article on Facebook here.
Watch the news report from VTC1 on the GIZ in Vietnam Facebook page here.

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