First program evaluation in German development cooperation

While German governmental development cooperation (DC) projects and their country portfolios are regularly evaluated according to the so-called OECD-DAC criteria[1] After CEval had already developed a first draft concept for such a format last year on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), it was now piloted in Kenya on the program “Sustainable […]

Program Evaluation of the Federal Program on Biological Diversity

Significant contribution to nature conservation in Germany, financial and political strengthening as well as clear strategic focus necessary – This is the summary of the evaluation of the Federal Program for Biological Diversity currently conducted by us, together with adelphi consult and the Planning Office for Applied Nature Conservation (PAN). After ten years of existence, […]

Continuation of the successful cooperation with the DAAD

CEval GmbH has been advising and supporting the DAAD in the development and introduction of an impact-oriented monitoring system (WoM) since 2016. This successful and proven cooperation will now be continued for another four years in the context of a framework agreement. As the world’s largest funding organization for the international exchange of students and […]

CEval cooperates with GIZ Vietnam

For almost two years the CEval supported the “Social Dimension of Sustainable Green Growth” project, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Vietnam. The GIZ project provides capacity building in Social, Gender and Policy Impact Assessment for the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam and relevant implementing agencies. The […]