The CEval at Saarland University

The CEval team at Saarland University:

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Stockmann

Reinhard Stockmann, Professor of Sociology at Saarland University, Saarbruecken, founder and director of the Center for Evaluation (CEval), Managing Director of the Master-Course of Evaluation at Saarland University and of the first European study program “Master of Evaluation” in a blended learning format. He is also the Managing Publisher of the German Zeitschrift für Evaluation (Journal for Evaluation) and founding member of the German Society for Evaluation (DeGEval). Evaluation specialist in the field of development cooperation, education, vocational training, environmental policy, foreign cultural policy.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Meyer

Dr. Wolfgang Meyer is Professor for Sociology at Saarland University in Saarbrücken and Adjunct Professor at Uganda Technology and Management University, Kampala. He is responsible for two Master of Evaluation study programs at Saarland University (MABLE and MEval). His focus as a sociologist is on empirical methodology with more than 20 years experience in evaluations, specialized on sustainable development, environment, labor markets, TVET and regional development.

Angelika Nentwig

Niklas Zirke

Anne-Kathrin Küttel, M.A.

Program Coordination MABLE

Sandra Schopper, MEval

Program Coordination Continuing Education Master Evaluation

Birgit Schneider

Examination Office MEval, MABLE

Courses offered in cooperation with CEval at Saarland University:

Master (Blended Learning) of Evaluation MABLE (M.A.)

The English-language Master (Blended Learning) of Evaluation MABLE program is unique in Europe and is also offered by only a few universities worldwide. It provides students with qualifications for scientific or professional work in the field of evaluation. The program is offered in cooperation with the DISC of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern.

The program is based on theories, research methods and evaluation studies of national and international evaluations. Students learn to design and conduct evaluations in an international context.

Further information on the study program:

Continuing Education Master's Degree Program (M.A.)

The Master of Advanced Studies in Evaluation is a German-language course of study in cooperation with btw Saar.
The practice-oriented study program prepares students for the scientific treatment of evaluation issues on the one hand, and for expert and consulting activities in the field of evaluation on the other. At the same time, it imparts core competencies that prepare students for tasks related to quality management and organizational development within the organization, thus opening up broad fields of activity.
Further information on the study program: