Our Projects

Countries of Cooperation

Development M&E-System
Start of project: February 2022
End of project: July 2024
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Implementation of an evaluation system for courses at the August Everding Theatre Academy

The August Everding Theatre Academy offers various artistic study programmes at Bachelor's and Master's level. In order to determine the students' satisfaction with individual courses [Read More]The August Everding Theatre Academy offers various artistic study programmes at Bachelor's and Master's level. In order to determine the students' satisfaction with individual courses and to identify potential for improvement, the August Everding Theatre Academy has commissioned CEval GmbH to implement an evaluation system for courses at the August Everding Theatre Academy. The aim is to create a regular database for the further development and optimisation of the courses. Methodologically, semi-standardised surveys will be designed for various teaching formats, which can be used for the evaluations of different courses (practically oriented and theoretically oriented courses as well as individual lessons).
Management: Vera Hennefeld
Accompanying, Impact Analysis
Start of project: September 2022
End of project: November 2023
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Evaluation of a digital Senior Citizens Portal “digital.vital”

The senior citizens' portal "digital.vital" is a model project of the Amt Hüttener Berge, the district of Germersheim and the city of Püttlingen. The aim [Read More]The senior citizens' portal "digital.vital" is a model project of the Amt Hüttener Berge, the district of Germersheim and the city of Püttlingen. The aim of the portal is to make a contribution to meeting the challenges associated with demographic change and advancing digitalisation: Through needs-based offers, people are to be supported in the areas of nutrition, exercise and leisure activities/social participation (incl. housing, mobility, support) in achieving and maintaining a high quality of life in old age. At the same time, the portal also aims to strengthen the digital participation of older people. The project started in July 2020 and from autumn 2022 various services and information will be made available on the portal. The Amt Hüttener Berge has commissioned CEval GmbH to evaluate the senior citizens' portal in order to gain insights into the quality of the information and services offered and to identify possible potential for optimising the user experience in terms of portal functionality and content. Methodologically, a total of four participant observations will be carried out for the structured evaluation of the user experience among the pilot users in the context of so-called digital workshops at various locations. The participant observations will be supplemented by follow-up interviews with selected participants a few days after their visit to the digital workshops in order to collect data on the actual benefits of the workshops and the use of the website by the participants. In addition, a standardised online survey will be conducted among senior citizens' organisations and actors in the partner municipalities on their perceptions and professional assessments of the senior citizens' portal, its services and potential for further development.
Management: Vera Hennefeld | Co-Worker: Katharina Hary | Cooperation Partner: Our Projects
Accompanying, Ex Post Evaluation, Impact Analysis
Start of project: August 2020
End of project: December 2021
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Evaluation of the prevention campaign “Mach Dein Passwort stark!”

In January 2019, the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia (IM NRW) commissioned the NRW State Criminal Police Office (LKA NRW) to develop a [Read More]In January 2019, the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia (IM NRW) commissioned the NRW State Criminal Police Office (LKA NRW) to develop a prevention and publicity campaign to combat 'cybercrime'. The aim of the campaign was to strengthen the population in NRW in the safe use of digital end devices and thereby reduce opportunities for cybercrime in the broader sense and make the work of the perpetrators more difficult. The cross-media campaign "Make your password strong!" was launched in October 2020. CEval GmbH was commissioned to carry out an accompanying evaluation for the campaign with the two sub-areas of process and impact evaluation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the implementation process as well as the effectiveness of the "Make your password strong!" campaign and to derive conclusions and recommendations for future police prevention campaigns based on these results. The evaluation was based on a broad mix of qualitative and quantitative data collection involving all actors involved in the design and implementation of the campaign as well as the target groups. The design also included an experimental trial set-up for comparative impact evaluation of the different components of the campaign. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods as well as qualitative content analyses were realised within the framework of the data analysis.
Management: Vera Hennefeld | Co-Worker: Fabian Otto | Cooperation Partner: Our Projects
Development M&E-System
Start of project: May 2021
End of project: August 2021
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Development of results-based framework “Resilience in Strategic Communication”

The digital transformation has also greatly changed the demands on foreign policy and its communication. Whereas it used to be primarily the responsibility of the [Read More]The digital transformation has also greatly changed the demands on foreign policy and its communication. Whereas it used to be primarily the responsibility of the foreign minister and the global network of foreign missions, foreign policy today has many state and non-state actors. At the same time, global competition for attention has reached a new dimension due to digitalisation as well as numerous new players and alliances. But it has also changed due to a massive shift of communication to social media. Strategic communication today is therefore not only a different way of communicating in other social spaces, but at the same time a confrontation with challenges such as disinformation, propaganda or hate crime and a changed concept of the public, of freedom of expression and its threats. The aim of the assignment was to provide a decision-making basis for project selection based on clear and predefined criteria on how well a proposed project fits into the overall logic of resilience promotion, as well as to create a basis for evaluating German engagement in the resilience sector. This took the form of developing a results-based framework with associated impact-oriented indicators, which were documented in an accompanying report and embedded in terms of communication theory.
Management: Vera Hennefeld
Accompanying, Ex Post Evaluation, Impact Analysis
Start of project: March 2020
End of project: July 2021
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Joint departmental strategic evaluation of the AA and BMZ engagement in Iraq

Within the framework of its crisis engagement in Iraq, the Federal Government intends to further embed monitoring and evaluation as instruments of learning and quality [Read More]Within the framework of its crisis engagement in Iraq, the Federal Government intends to further embed monitoring and evaluation as instruments of learning and quality assurance, accountability and strategic steering. In this context, a joint evaluation of the Iraq engagement of the Federal Foreign Office (AA) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) was conducted. This was intended to serve as a pilot project and, if possible, as a model for joint evaluations of both ministries in relevant fields of action and at their interfaces. The main objective of this joint evaluation was joint institutional learning. The AA component of the evaluation was realised by a consortium under the leadership of the GFA Consulting Group, in which CEval GmbH was involved; the BMZ component by the German Evaluation Institute (DEval). Both evaluation teams worked closely together in a so called “Arbeitsgemeinschaft”. The aim of the evaluation was to conduct an independent and comprehensive analysis and assessment of the engagement of the two ministries in order to gain and use insights for (joint) steering. The evaluation provided insights into the relevance, effectiveness and overarching impacts, efficiency, sustainability and connectivity as well as coordination, coherence and complementarity of the Iraq engagement of both ministries. Furthermore, the evaluation provided recommendations for optimising the overall engagement and individual measures, structures and processes in order to adjust the current portfolio if necessary. Finally, learning experiences from the AA-BMZ engagement in Iraq were identified for similar engagement in other crisis contexts. The evaluation also served as an accompanying or final performance review of the country portfolio in accordance with the Federal Budget Code (Bundeshaushaltsordnung). Methodologically, the evaluation was based on a broad mix of qualitative and quantitative data collection and evaluation methods. Due to pandemic-related travel restrictions, the data collection was realised or managed remotely by the consortium in both Germany and Iraq.
Management: Vera Hennefeld
Start of project: July 2020
End of project: May 2021
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Employee survey on working time and mobile work

The TU Darmstadt (TUD) pursues the goal of developing working time models and regulations for mobile work that are oriented towards the needs of employees. [Read More]The TU Darmstadt (TUD) pursues the goal of developing working time models and regulations for mobile work that are oriented towards the needs of employees. In this way, the satisfaction of employees with the organisation of working time and place of work is to be promoted. To this end, the TUD Executive Board commissioned CEval GmbH to conduct an employee survey on the topics of working hours and mobile work. The surveys were thematically oriented in such a way that, on the one hand, the lived practice of organising working time and using mobile work was recorded, and on the other hand, the respondents' satisfaction with this practice as well as suggestions and wishes for the future. Without this being foreseeable when the study was initiated, the Corona pandemic led to considerable adjustments in the design of working conditions during the survey period, especially with regard to mobile work. During the fine-conception of the study, these changes were taken into account by also including questions on the (new) experiences regarding mobile working during the pandemic. The data collection combined a document analysis with a partially standardised online survey of all employee groups at the TUD as well as guideline-based interviews. The data analysis combined descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis.
Management: Vera Hennefeld
Start of project: September 2017
End of project: July 2020
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Evaluation of the demographic monitoring tool demowanda: Demand-oriented coaching on self-evaluation

"The BAuA explores the conditions and developments in gainful employment with a view to providing workers with the best possible protection and Support both today [Read More]"The BAuA explores the conditions and developments in gainful employment with a view to providing workers with the best possible protection and Support both today and in the future." (s. BAuA-Website). Leading the project
Management: Vera Hennefeld | Co-Worker: Our Projects | Cooperation Partner: Our Projects
Development M&E-System
Start of project: November 2019
End of project: July 2020
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Development and Implementation of a M&E-System for the ‘EinTanzHaus’

The 'EinTanzHaus' is expected to be a center for contemporary dance in a cultural monument of particular importance in the City of Mannheim. The ‘EinTanzHaus’ [Read More]The 'EinTanzHaus' is expected to be a center for contemporary dance in a cultural monument of particular importance in the City of Mannheim. The ‘EinTanzHaus’ team and its director Daria Holme have jointly created the preconditions to develop a dance center in Southern Germany with the exemplary conversion of a protected historic church building, which can open up new perspectives for the dance scene in Germany due to its infrastructure, its stage size, its central location and the artistic experience. The task of CEval GmbH was to develop and implement a M&E concept that serves for the management of the project and the regular review of goal attainment and impact assessment. Therefore, a target system and value-added indicators for the 'EinTanzHaus' as well as a data collection plan were developed together with the stakeholders in a first step. Further, CEval GmbH was involved in all steps of the data collection, evaluation and interpretation and thus supports the parties involved in the strategic management of the project and the evaluation of the project’s goal achievement.
Management: Vera Hennefeld
Accompanying, Ex Post Evaluation, Impact Analysis
Start of project: April 2019
End of project: December 2019
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Evaluation of the programme “Mentoring Hessen – Frauen in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft”

Mentoring Hessen is a joint project of Hessian universities and universities of applied sciences to advance the careers of women. The aim is to increase [Read More]Mentoring Hessen is a joint project of Hessian universities and universities of applied sciences to advance the careers of women. The aim is to increase the percentage of women in attractive specialist and management positions in both academia and business. With the help of four different lines of support, young women are supported and guided through the decisive phases of their professional development – from student to professor! The close cooperation with renowned companies and research institutions also opens up career opportunities outside of academia. Through mentoring, training and networking, young women are supported in the decisive phases of their professional development. The goal of the evaluation was to analyse the implementation of the concept and organisational model of Mentoring Hessen in order to develop recommendations for the optimal further development of the programme based on the findings. The evaluation adopted two perspectives of analysis: 1. analysis of the conception, implementation and goal achievement of Mentoring Hessen: Evaluation of the programme conception and implementation, assessment of the achievement of objectives and effectiveness, derivation of recommendations for optimising the conception, implementation and achievement of objectives; 2. Analysis of the interaction of the stakeholders in the joint project Mentoring Hessen: Analysis of the structure and its functionality as well as evaluation of the interaction of the different groups of actors, derivation of recommendations for the optimisation of organisational structure and cooperation. The data collection combined a document analysis with a comprehensive secondary analysis of existing data from target group surveys, guided interviews and group discussions. The data analysis combined descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis.
Management: Vera Hennefeld
Accompanying, Development M&E-System, Ex Ante Evaluation
Start of project: October 2017
End of project: December 2019
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Data collection for the certificate “Fan project in accordance with the National Plan for Safety in Sports”

In Germany, there is a dense network of social work institutions in the field of adolescent soccer fans (“fan projects”) that work in accordance with [Read More]In Germany, there is a dense network of social work institutions in the field of adolescent soccer fans (“fan projects”) that work in accordance with the National Plan for Safety in Sports (German: Nationales Konzept Sport und Sicherheit). A certification of those fan projects has been launched in 2010. Offering fan projects an instrument of quality control, the certification is intended to pursue multiple goals: (a) establishing a common standard for fan projects, (b) increasing confidence in the work of fan projects, and (c) improving the working context of fan projects. The certificate has been awarded by the Quality Management Group of the Centre for Fan Project Coordination of the German Sports Youth (German: Koordinationsstelle Fanprojekte bei der Deutschen Sportjugend). Members of the Quality Management Group belong to several stakeholder groups: soccer, federal authorities (for family affairs), science, and fan projects themselves. During a first subproject (5/2015-6/2016), CEval GmbH (a) revised the certification process, (b) tested the revised certification process on five fan projects, and (c) developed a standardized, feasible concept for collecting information necessary for certification. Thereby the certificate attests fan projects’ high quality of work. Within second subproject, CEval GmbH supported the nationwide roll-out of the revised certification by collecting all necessary information on all the remaining German soccer fan projects.
Management: Vera Hennefeld | Co-Worker: Sandra Bäthge | Cooperation Partner: Our Projects