Evaluation of the project “Digital Leadership” of the Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg

Since March 2018, the “Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg (FüAK)” has been offering the “Digital Leadership” programme. The programme comprises various advanced training formats to promote digital skills for managers in the administrative bodies of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. The aim is to prepare these managers for the requirements of digital shift, to network them with one another and to equip them with the necessary skills for driving and shaping digital change in their institutions. The program’s formats include professional training (e.g. programming, design thinking), networking events, learning journeys to innovative companies and topic-specific focus groups. The evaluation focused on the different training formats of the programme. These were evaluated in regard to their effects. The focus was on the outcome level, especially on the short- and medium-term effects of the different events. In the sense of the participatory evaluation approach of CEval GmbH, the theory of change was developed together with the project team. The effects were assessed within the evaluation using a multi-method approach. On the one hand, participant questionnaires were developed and used at the end of an event and after a defined impact phase. On the other hand, interviews were conducted with different stakeholder groups in order to obtain more in-depth assessments of relevant aspects of the programme. In this way, the advantages of both data collection methods were combined and used to evaluate the training formats.

Evaluation of refugee projects supported by the Representative of the Federal Government for Migration, Refugees and Integration

In 2019, 25 refugee projects were supported by the Representative of the Federal Government for Migration, Refugees and Integration in three areas, i.e. strengthening volunteers in refugee assistance, empowerment and prevention of violence, and political and social participation. The funding aimed at contributing to an improved integration of refugees in Germany. The goal of the evaluation was to assess the goal achievement, efficacy and efficiency of the funded projects and to develop recommendations for future funding of such projects. At the same time the evaluation was to support the projects in setting up and implementing a results-based monitoring system. The evaluation was designed as an accompanying evaluation with formative and summative elements. It also involved a capacity building component. In terms of methodology, the evaluation relied on a mix of qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods. Among others, a document review, guided interviews, focus group discussions as well as an online survey were conducted.

Factors for successful cooperation in vocational training with People Republic of China – acomparison of governmental, civil and private sector concepts

The research project “Factors for successful vocational education and training cooperation with the People’s Republic of China (efach) – a comparison of state, civil society and private sector concepts” aimed to investigate for the first time whether the success factors for international vocational education and training cooperation identified in previous research work and combined into a key variable model also apply to cooperation outside of development cooperation, in the private sector and in China. General recommendations for action were generated from the quantitative and qualitative analysis of state, civil society and private sector VET cooperation and individual projects or measures were highlighted as examples of best practice. Conferences and publications promoted comprehensive dissemination, discussion and use of the findings in international VET research and practice.

Evaluation of the “Strategic Communication on Refugee and Migration Abroad” of the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany

In 2016 the Federal Foreign Office (AA) initiated a new communication strategy on flight and migration abroad. This strategy consists on the one hand of direct communication measures such as a dedicated website and information on social media channels, and on the other hand of indirect communication work through project funding by partner organizations. The aim of these efforts is to contribute to a better information base on flight and migration abroad and to strengthen humanitarian and international law principles.
The aim of the evaluation was to assess the achievement of objectives, effectiveness, economic efficiency and sustainability, as well as the impact of the funded projects and the direct communication activities of the Federal Foreign Office, and to use this as a basis for deriving recommendations for future funding and strategy development. At the same time, the funded projects were to be supported in setting up and implementing impact-oriented monitoring of their projects. The evaluation contained summative and formative elements. Thus, the evaluation was intended to support AA-internal learning in the area of communication strategy on the one hand, and to serve transparent accountability on the other.
The evaluation followed a theory-based, participatory approach in which a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research were applied and triangulated together. The data collection included document and secondary analysis at project and programme level, guideline-based telephone interviews with persons in charge at the Federal Foreign Office, field studies in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Nigeria, expert reports, partially standardised and experimental online surveys with project partners and target groups, and the participatory evaluation of an exchange meeting with representatives of the African diaspora.

Evaluation of the “PROBONO Teacher Training” Program in Tanzania

The PROBONO Teacher Training program aims at contributing to the improvement of education quality in Tanzania as the results of national final exams indicate a great need especially in the STEM subjects. This is done by delivering a 4-year in-service capacity training in form of workshop activities, providing equipment and infrastructure in their partner schools and fostering a network of education authorities and actors.

The final evaluation was based on the OECD-DAC critieria (relevance, effectiveness, impact, sustainability) in order to derive recommendations for shaping the program´s next phase.

The evaluation utilized different methods: next to interviews with the leadership of the project, project partner and head of schools; Focus Group Discussions gave voice to teachers, students and trainers. A comprehensive survey among all participating teachers and trainers enabled an in-depth quantitative analysis.

Data collection for the certificate “Fan project in accordance with the National Plan for Safety in Sports”

In Germany, there is a dense network of social work institutions in the field of adolescent soccer fans (“fan projects”) that work in accordance with the National Plan for Safety in Sports (German: Nationales Konzept Sport und Sicherheit). A certification of those fan projects has been launched in 2010. Offering fan projects an instrument of quality control, the certification is intended to pursue multiple goals: (a) establishing a common standard for fan projects, (b) increasing confidence in the work of fan projects, and (c) improving the working context of fan projects. The certificate has been awarded by the Quality Management Group of the Centre for Fan Project Coordination of the German Sports Youth (German: Koordinationsstelle Fanprojekte bei der Deutschen Sportjugend). Members of the Quality Management Group belong to several stakeholder groups: soccer, federal authorities (for family affairs), science, and fan projects themselves.
During a first subproject (5/2015-6/2016), CEval GmbH (a) revised the certification process, (b) tested the revised certification process on five fan projects, and (c) developed a standardized, feasible concept for collecting information necessary for certification. Thereby the certificate attests fan projects’ high quality of work.
Within second subproject, CEval GmbH supported the nationwide roll-out of the revised certification by collecting all necessary information on all the remaining German soccer fan projects.

Impact analysis of the project “Kita im Aufbruch: Prozessbegleitung Richtung Nachhaltigkeit” [Kita im Aufbruch: Process support for sustainability in education]

The State Association for the Protection of Birds in Bavaria e.V. (Landesbund Vogelschutz, LBV) had implemented the environmental education project “Kita im Aufbruch:– Process support for sustainability in education” between November 2020 and March 2022. The aim of the project was to contribute to the structural embedment of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in early childhood care by process support for selected Bavarian day-care centers. The CEval GmbH conducted an impact analysis of the project. By means of a before-and-after survey of day-care center staff, parents and day-care center operators, the impact of the project on the competencies of the pedagogical staff and the quality of educational offers as well as pedagogical processes in terms of ESD had been investigated. In addition, the CEval team further analyzed to what extent the project contributes to a holistic transformation of the learning and teaching environment towards a structural embedment of ESD in the daycare centers. In addition to pedagogical concepts, this also includes the areas of sustainable procurement and catering in the sense of a sustainable menu. In order to be able to clearly assign observed effects and impacts to the interventions of the project, the impact analysis was based on a quasi-experimental design including comparison groups (daycare centers without participation in process support) into the survey. The team combined, qualitative and quantitative survey methods in the process of data collection.

Evaluation of APPEAR projects (programme periods I and II)

The Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development (APPEAR) is conceived, guided and financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) to implement its “Higher Education and Scientific Cooperation” strategy in support of Higher Education and Research for Development on an academic institutional level. The funded projects are implemented by the Austrian Agency for International Mobility and Cooperation in Education, Science and Research (OeAD GmbH). APPEARs overall objective is to strengthen the institutional capacities in higher education, research and management through Academic Partnerships with Austrian higher education institutions and through scholarships. The partnerships aim to improve the general standards in higher education, research and management by means of knowledge sharing and designing innovative projects. The achievement of these objectives should finally contribute to effective and sustainable reduction of poverty in the partner countries.
The overarching goal of the evaluation was to assess the ongoing and completed projects of the APPEAR periods I and II. Thereby, it provided insights about the projects adherence to the APPEAR guidelines and basic principles during their implementation, and about the extent to which they were to achieve their objectives and results. Furthermore, the projects were assessed according to the OECD/DAC criteria Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability. The objective of the evaluation was to identify the strengths, weaknesses and challenges of the APPEAR projects and present conclusions, lessons learnt and recommendations for the remaining or future projects.

The evaluation made use of a variety of methods. Primary data was collected during project visits to Ethiopia and Uganda, interviews and focus group discussions with project partners in Austria as well as virtual interviews with staff and key stakeholders of two projects in Nicaragua. The data collection instruments also comprised semi-standardized surveys, programme and project documentations and previous programme evaluations.

Evaluation of CAPAQUA

CAPAQUA (Development of Educational and Research CAPacity in Eastern Africa for the Sustainable Management of AQUAatic Ecosystems) aims at enhancing the capacity of Eastern African Higher Education, Science and Technology (HEST) institutions. CAPAQUA is jointly implemented by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, the Egerton University (EGU), the Addis Ababa University (AAU), the Bahir Dar University and the Ethiopian Institute for Agricultural Research, National Fish and Other Aquatic Lives Research Center (EIAR-NFALRC). CAPAQUA’s overall objective is to foster sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems and their resources in order to improve livelihoods in Eastern Africa and to contribute towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The main purpose of the evaluation was to identify successes as well as weaknesses of the project, and to provide recommendations for the project partners to improve the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of possible future CAPAQUA projects. The evaluation was also analysing the extent to which the cross-cutting issue gender mainstreaming was applied and identified the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the expected project results and objectives. In order to assess the project, the evaluation focussed on the project period from October 2015 to September 2018.

A rich set of mainly qualitative data was collected by means of in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with different stakeholders, programme participants, graduates as well as staff. Programme and project documentations provided secondary data and was complemented by primary data collected during focus group discussions. The geographic focus of the evaluation was the Eastern African region, with emphasis on Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia, where empirical data was collected during short field visits. Additionally, Austrian institutions were visited and stakeholders interviewed.

Evaluation of the program “DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships”

Since 2008 the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the German AcademicExchange Service (DAAD) are jointly implementing a research fellowship programme with a focus on energy, aeronautics, space and transport related disciplines. The programme aims at contributing to the internationalization of DLR institutes as well as promoting researchers who maintain a relation to Germany as partners and friends. The goal of the evaluation was twofold: On the one hand, it should assess the programme’s medium- and long-term effects. On the other hand, it identified potentials for improvement and come up with suggestions for necessary adaptions in view of a possible future continuation of the programme. In terms of methodology, the evaluation relied on a mix of qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods. Among others, guided interviews, focus group discussions, on-site visits as well as an online survey were implemented.