Evaluation of the programme “Mentoring Hessen – Frauen in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft”

Mentoring Hessen is a joint project of Hessian universities and universities of applied sciences to advance the careers of women. The aim is to increase the percentage of women in attractive specialist and management positions in both academia and business. With the help of four different lines of support, young women are supported and guided through the decisive phases of their professional development – from student to professor! The close cooperation with renowned companies and research institutions also opens up career opportunities outside of academia. Through mentoring, training and networking, young women are supported in the decisive phases of their professional development.
The goal of the evaluation was to analyse the implementation of the concept and organisational model of Mentoring Hessen in order to develop recommendations for the optimal further development of the programme based on the findings. The evaluation adopted two perspectives of analysis: 1. analysis of the conception, implementation and goal achievement of Mentoring Hessen: Evaluation of the programme conception and implementation, assessment of the achievement of objectives and effectiveness, derivation of recommendations for optimising the conception, implementation and achievement of objectives; 2. Analysis of the interaction of the stakeholders in the joint project Mentoring Hessen: Analysis of the structure and its functionality as well as evaluation of the interaction of the different groups of actors, derivation of recommendations for the optimisation of organisational structure and cooperation.
The data collection combined a document analysis with a comprehensive secondary analysis of existing data from target group surveys, guided interviews and group discussions. The data analysis combined descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis.

Study program evaluations of the Theaterakademie August Everding

The August Everding Theatre Academy, Munich, is an academic teaching and learning theatre that offers eight courses of study in the field of stage professions at Bachelor’s and Master’s level. These are realised in cooperation with the four Munich universities and the three Munich state theatres.
The Theatre Academy has commissioned CEval GmbH to carry out evaluations of five study programmes. The aim is to collect an evaluation of the theoretical and practical orientation by the students of the various study programmes in the sense of quality development, in order to further optimise the study programmes on the basis of this data. For this purpose, the students are surveyed online using partially standardised questionnaires.

Employee survey on working time and mobile work

The TU Darmstadt (TUD) pursues the goal of developing working time models and regulations for mobile work that are oriented towards the needs of employees. In this way, the satisfaction of employees with the organisation of working time and place of work is to be promoted. To this end, the TUD Executive Board commissioned CEval GmbH to conduct an employee survey on the topics of working hours and mobile work.
The surveys were thematically oriented in such a way that, on the one hand, the lived practice of organising working time and using mobile work was recorded, and on the other hand, the respondents’ satisfaction with this practice as well as suggestions and wishes for the future. Without this being foreseeable when the study was initiated, the Corona pandemic led to considerable adjustments in the design of working conditions during the survey period, especially with regard to mobile work. During the fine-conception of the study, these changes were taken into account by also including questions on the (new) experiences regarding mobile working during the pandemic.
The data collection combined a document analysis with a partially standardised online survey of all employee groups at the TUD as well as guideline-based interviews. The data analysis combined descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis.

Accompanying evaluation of the support programme “Female Producer Collective” (2022)

The support program “Female Producer Collective” of GOFORMUSIC gGmbH is a special support project for female producers, who receive coaching in the areas of “Creativity and Idea Generation”, “Recording & Sound Design”, “Mixing & Mastering” and “Business & Marketing”. The aim of the project is to specifically promote female producers, to counteract the low quota of women in the production sector and to inspire female musicians to produce. CEval GmbH was commissioned with the accompanying evaluation of the funding project. From a methodological point of view, focus group interviews and a short survey via a standardized questionnaire had been conducted for this purpose.

Process Evaluation of the career support program ‘Securing Talents – Shaping the Future’ (2021/2022)

The program ‘Securing Talents – Shaping the Future’ of the Cusanuswerk – Bischöfliche Studienförderung aimed to promote the next generation of female leaders. To this end, the program relies on mentoring elements, i.e. tutorial support for female scholarship holders of German scholarship programs for the gifted by academics with professional experience, training and support measures geared to specific professions, and the establishment of a peer network. Since the start of the career development program in 2007, CEval had conducted external evaluations to ensure the quality of the program. An accompanying evaluation took also place in the eighth program run in 2021/2022. The central task of this evaluation was to provide the Cusanuswerk staff responsible for implementation with timely information relevant to management. In accordance with the program’s objectives, questions regarding satisfaction with the events offered, the quality of the tutorial relationships, and the professional and personal benefits of the relationship for both sides are of particular interest. Methodologically, the evaluation is based on standardized online surveys of mentees and mentors at three points in time.

Evaluation of the “PROBONO Teacher Training” Program in Tanzania

The PROBONO Teacher Training program aims at contributing to the improvement of education quality in Tanzania as the results of national final exams indicate a great need especially in the STEM subjects. This is done by delivering a 4-year in-service capacity training in form of workshop activities, providing equipment and infrastructure in their partner schools and fostering a network of education authorities and actors.

The final evaluation was based on the OECD-DAC critieria (relevance, effectiveness, impact, sustainability) in order to derive recommendations for shaping the program´s next phase.

The evaluation utilized different methods: next to interviews with the leadership of the project, project partner and head of schools; Focus Group Discussions gave voice to teachers, students and trainers. A comprehensive survey among all participating teachers and trainers enabled an in-depth quantitative analysis.

International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET)

The International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) is an executive training program in development evaluation. Since 2018, it is managed jointly by the Center for Continuing Education at the University of Bern (Switzerland), the Center for Evaluation at Saarland University (Germany) and the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank.
IPDET aims to provide managers and practitioners in the field of evaluation with the tools required to evaluate policies, programs and projects at local, regional, national, and global levels, as well as to commission, manage and especially use those evaluations for decision-making. Further information on this year’s IPDET can be found on the website: https://ipdet.org/.

Pilot project for the joint match day follow-up in German professional football

The Daniel Nivel Foundation aims to improve the relationship between football fans and the police. To that end, the foundation cooperates with national football associations and in 2018 has released funds for two pilot projects, one with the French Football Federation (FFF) and one with the German Football Association (DFB). On the German side, the following idea was developed within the so called “future workshops”: to establish a “joint match day follow-up”, to create a framework for dialogue between football fans and police. In this way, conflicts would be dealt with after match days and solutions for future events could be developed.
The DFB had commissioned CEval GmbH to provide scientific support for this project. The tasks of the CEval GmbH ranged from the conception of the project (follow-up process, selection of pilot locations, etc.) to the development of suitable instruments for fan surveys and suiting formats for match day follow-ups, as well as the support of the actors in the practical implementation and moderation of the follow-up process. Therefore, different procedures and formats for the match day follow-ups had been tested, in order to present an applicable concept after the pilot phase. All steps had been carried out in close cooperation with the DFB project team. There was also a regular, project related exchange with the Fan Projects Coordination Office (KOS) and the German Football League (DFL). The project was scheduled to run from January 2019 to May 2020. In the first half of 2019, a detailed project conception and elaboration took place, including workshops with all participating actors. In the second half of the year, during the first half of the 2019/2020 season, the developed concept for the match day follow-up had been implemented and tested in cooperation with selected pilot locations from professional football. Central partners had been the Fan Projects of the respective locations. This was followed by an evaluation and, if necessary, adaptation of the matchday follow-up concept and documentation of the project in the form of a final report.

Evaluation of the project “Digital Leadership” of the Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg

Since March 2018, the “Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg (FüAK)” has been offering the “Digital Leadership” programme. The programme comprises various advanced training formats to promote digital skills for managers in the administrative bodies of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. The aim is to prepare these managers for the requirements of digital shift, to network them with one another and to equip them with the necessary skills for driving and shaping digital change in their institutions. The program’s formats include professional training (e.g. programming, design thinking), networking events, learning journeys to innovative companies and topic-specific focus groups. The evaluation focused on the different training formats of the programme. These were evaluated in regard to their effects. The focus was on the outcome level, especially on the short- and medium-term effects of the different events. In the sense of the participatory evaluation approach of CEval GmbH, the theory of change was developed together with the project team. The effects were assessed within the evaluation using a multi-method approach. On the one hand, participant questionnaires were developed and used at the end of an event and after a defined impact phase. On the other hand, interviews were conducted with different stakeholder groups in order to obtain more in-depth assessments of relevant aspects of the programme. In this way, the advantages of both data collection methods were combined and used to evaluate the training formats.

Evaluation of refugee projects supported by the Representative of the Federal Government for Migration, Refugees and Integration

In 2019, 25 refugee projects were supported by the Representative of the Federal Government for Migration, Refugees and Integration in three areas, i.e. strengthening volunteers in refugee assistance, empowerment and prevention of violence, and political and social participation. The funding aimed at contributing to an improved integration of refugees in Germany. The goal of the evaluation was to assess the goal achievement, efficacy and efficiency of the funded projects and to develop recommendations for future funding of such projects. At the same time the evaluation was to support the projects in setting up and implementing a results-based monitoring system. The evaluation was designed as an accompanying evaluation with formative and summative elements. It also involved a capacity building component. In terms of methodology, the evaluation relied on a mix of qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods. Among others, a document review, guided interviews, focus group discussions as well as an online survey were conducted.