University cooperation with the University of Costa Rica (UCR) and the Catholic Pontifical University of Ecuador (PUCE) supported through the DAAD funding programme „Subject-Related Partnerships with Institutions of Higher Education in Developing Countries

The Saarland University (UdS) and the University of Costa Rica (UCR) have been maintaining an intensive cooperation since 2008, which was financially supported by the DAAD programme “Subject-Related Partnerships with Institutions of Higher Education in Developing Countries” between 2012 and 2015. Through the DAAD University Advisory Program, the preceding collaboration had already received financial support. Particularly in the light of an ever-rising need for evaluations and competencies in the field of evaluation, both partners are zealous to continue the collaboration within the framework of the DAAD funding programme and to expand it sustainably by the integration of a second partnering institute of higher education. The Catholic Pontifical University of Ecuador (PUCE) could be won for this objective.

Crucial elements of this third phase of cooperation were supposed to be the implementation of a new blended learning Master’s study program in evaluation at the PUCE, and the implementation of a further educational opportunity in the blended learning format, respectively, at the Center for Research and Training in Public Administration (CICAP) at the UCR, and quality assurance of the formation and further education in evaluation in Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Latin America (amelioration of formation and further education as well as research in evaluation). Moreover, the establishment of a Latin American university network in the discipline of evaluation (network formation and internationalization), the strengthening of practical orientation within the academic formation in evaluation and the contribution to evidence-based policy making (application of scientific evaluative research in political practice), and, eventually, the consolidation and institutional expansion of the cooperation between the universities involved and the research institute CICAP (triangular and South-South-cooperation) were on the agenda of the program. The respective cooperation was intended to last for four years (2017-2020).

Development of an operational guidebook for integrating and using impact evaluation-based M&E approaches in the field of climate change adaption

Climate change adaption projects require methodologically elaborated Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Systems that are not limited to measuring Project Outputs but also Need to include outcomes and further Impacts as well as their attribution to the measures undertaken.

GIZ engaged the Center for Evaluation (CEval) for technical support to develop an operationally viable impact evaluation and provided examples for their applicability in adaptation projects. Results were presented in a guidebook for integrating and using impact evaluation-based M&E approaches in the field of climate change Adaptation. Target Groups of the Framework are ministries, donors, and other related institutions that are looking for the underlying Drivers of Adaptation and evidence-based findings to improve the design of future climate change adaptation projects.

External Evaluation of the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP II) and Netherlands Initiative for Capacity Development in Higher Education (NICHE II)

On behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) the CEval implemented an external Evaluation of the Dutch Fellowship Programme (NFP II) and Netherlands Initiative for Capacity Development in Higher Education (NICHE II). Financed by the MFA and administered by the Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education ‘EP-Nuffic’, these programs offer capacity development in higher education for developing partner countries.
The overall aim of NFP and NICHE is to help reduce quantitative and qualitative shortage of trained professional staff in developing countries and to build sustainable capacity within the poverty reduction Framework. The NFP provides Fellowships to mid-career professionals to participate in Trainings and postgraduate courses in the Netherlands. NICHE is a capacity building programme to improve the quality, relevance and gender sensitiveness of post-secondary education in NICHE-countries.
The evaluation covered the period of 2002-2015 while a focus was on the latest project phase since 2012 which put an additional emphasis on economic diplomacy and closer alignment with the four priority themes of the Dutch development cooperation strategy (water, sexual reproductive health and rights, security and rule of law and food security). The purpose of the evaluation was to account for the Netherlands funding provided for the two programs under the current project cycle and to gain lessons for future policy development and implementation. Within the scope of the evaluation, both programs were analysed regarding the OECD/DAC criteria of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. Recommendations for possible optimization of the program were developed on the basis of the findings. The evaluation was conducted in cooperation with ACE Europe, a Belgian consultancy.

Program Evaluation “Support in Strengthening Regional Cooperation and Integration in the Field of Quality Infrastructure (QI) in SAARC”

With this regional Project, PTB Germany aims to reduce the technical barriers to trade by fostering cooperation among the SAARC countries (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Buthan, Maldives, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka) in the field of metrology, accreditation and standardization. The Project targeted professional and Management staff of national QI-institutions as well as ministries relevant to the QI-System. Amongst others, measures lige Trainings and awareness raising Events have been taken and consultancy has been provided.

The evaluation combined qualitative and quantitative methods (mixed method design). A document Analysis and qualitative interviews with different stakeholders from all SAARC countries during a field visit to Bangladesh, Bhutan and India, and an online Survey of former metrology and accreditation Training participants in awareness raising Events have been carried out.

By statistical data and qualitative Content Analysis, the evaluation aimed to provide empirical evidence about the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the Project (DAC criteria) and the success factores for the observed results and change processes (Capacity Works criteria: strategy, cooperation, steering structure, processes, learning and innovation).

Thereby, it contributed to the further development of the Project approach and ist revision in view of future activities by PTB (in the region). The evaluation results had also been used as a Basis to decide on a follow-up project and on potentially necessary adaptions of its design.

Evaluation of the Projects “Sustainable Municipal Development through Partnership Projects” and “Support Program for Municipal Climate Protection and Climate Change Adaption Projects”

As part of Engagement Global – Service für Entwicklungsinitiativen (Service for Development Initiatives) the Service Agency Communities in One World in Germany ist the competence Center for local development cooperation. Founded in 2001 the Service Agency offers a platform for dialogue for municipalities in Germany and the South and supports development activities of local actors by providing them with Training, Information and advisory Services.

The two programs “Sustainable Municipal Development through Partnership Projects – Nachhaltige Kommunalentwicklung durch Partnerschaftsprojekte (Nakopa)” and “Support Program for Municipal Climate Protection and Climate Change Adaption Projects – Förderprogramm für kommunale Klimaschutz- und Klimaanpassungsprojekte (FKKP)” are core activities of the Service Agency. While Nakopa supports existing and new municipal partnership Projects in selected relevant fields of development cooperation, FKKP explicitly addresses municipal activities in the field of climate protection and climate change adaptation.

After the first Project cycle of three years has been completed, the current Evaluation aims at evaluating These two programs with respect to processual aspects of project Administration as well as Impacts of both the funded partnership Projects and the Support programs Nakopa and FKKP. Leading questions of this evaluation are guided by the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria and had been answered using the approach of contribution Analysis and documentary and empirical data. Hence, the evaluation was based on Monitoring data and Project documents on the one Hand and empirical data gathered through extensive partly standardized interviews and partly standardized online surweys with participating communities on the other hand.

Improving the Monitoring and reporting System to implement the Action plan "Inclusion of Persons with disabilities" in the German development co-operation

In February 2013, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) published an action plan for the inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWDs). In doing so, it follows ist duties emanating from Article 32 of the UN Convention on the rights of PWDs. The action plan provides Information on strategic Goals and Actions to design development cooperation of the Federal Republic of Germany towards a better inclusion of PWDs.

To assess the progress and to steer the implementation of planned acitivities an appropriate Monitoring and reporting System is necessary. Hence, the Center of Evaluation (CEval) has been contracted to Support the sector Project “Inclusion of PWDs” of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the departement 300 of the BMZ with its methodological expertise to develop an Analysis grid to evaluate the implementation of the action plan.

External Evaluation of the empowering people. Network

On behalf of Siemens Stiftung CEval GmbH implemented an external evaluation of the empowering people. Network. Founded in 2013, the network brings together inventors and social enterprises to develop solutions to address basic supply problems in fields such as health, food or education in developing countries. The empowering people. Award aims to identify simple and appropriate technological innovations with business potential and make them visible and accessible to everyone. As members of the empowering people. Network, currently 80 organizations that are implementing best-practice approaches receive long-term support in terms of organizational development, professionalization, and networking with partners.

In 2017, the empowering people. Network was evaluated for the first time since its foundation. The evaluation covered the entire lifetime of the network and its purpose was to account for progress and goals achieved so far and to gain lessons for strategic development. It therefore examined what impacts could be achieved by the respective modules and how these were assessed with regard to the overarching objectives. Leading questions of the evaluation were guided by the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria. It was characterized by a participative multi-methods approach and drew on contribution analysis that combined document/secondary analyses with qualitative (interviews, focus group discussions, case studies) as well as quantitative methods (partly standardized surveys). Lessons learnt and recommendations for the future development of the network were derived from the findings.

Impact Study: Assessing the Impact of Fairtrade on Poverty Reduction through Rural Development, Follow-up study 2017

TransFair e.V. aims at strengthening the objectives of Fairtrade and enabling producers in the Global South to make a living of the products they produce. Among other things, this should be achieved by establishing long-term and as direct as possible relations between producer organizations in the Global South and markets in the Global North and by complying with standards such as the legal minimum wage, wearing protective clothing, paid vacation and social insurance for workers working on plantations.
In order to assess the impact of Fairtrade on the socioeconomic environment of producers, TransFair e.V. and the Swiss Max Havelaar Foundation had commissioned CEval in 2011 to carry out the impact Evaluation “Assessing the Impact of Fairtrade on Poverty Reduction through Rural Development.” The study was the first of its kind to analyze the potential contribution of Fairtrade to improve the living conditions in rural areas. The study design covered the countries Ghana, India, Kenya and Peru and the product categories banana, cotton, flower, coffee, cocoa and tea.
2017, in its 25th anniversary year, TransFair e.V. wanted to follow up on the previous findings and commissioned CEval for the second time, enabling the assessment of longitudinal (comparison over time) and cross-sectional (FT and non-FT case study comparison) changes. A theory-based contribution analysis was applied, considering FT’s Theory of Change and the indicators of the committee on sustainability assessment (COSA). Following a case study approach, the findings were mainly based on primary qualitative data collected via Focus Group Discussions, Key Informant Interviews and observations. A participatory quantitative seed assessment to assess perception changes over the last five years complemented the field research, which took place between October 2017 and January 2018. Findings were, eventually, structured along the economic, social and ecological dimension of the COSA indicators.

Formative Evaluation of the Out-of-School-Children Initiative (OOSCI)

The focus of this evaluation was the Out-of-School-Children Initiative (OOSCI) by UNICEF and UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). The initiative was launched in 2010 to achieve a reduction in the number of children out of school in participating countries. Means to achieve this goal were to create comprehensive profiles of out-of-School children in each Country, identify the barriers that push children out of school and to propose changes in the policies and strategies of the partner country to address these barriers.

The evaluation aimed at testing the validity of the theory of change and its assumptions. It is used to strengthen the program logic and to provide a formative assessment of the progress towards the overall goal of achieving a reduction in out-of-school children. The evaluation also provides an in-depth insight into benefits for the different stakeholders and their involvement in the initiative. Furthermore, the findings of the evaluation are used to meet the accountability requirements by the donors of OOSCI.

Main source of information of this evaluation have been documents like OOSCI country studies, OOSCI regional studies, government plans and documents from other donors (e.g. the World Bank, UNESCO, foreign donors etc.). In a document review we assessed progress made through OOSCI for a sample of 42 countries and assessed the contents within the document using a 4-step coding. These codings were used for a descriptive analysis and additionally for a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). QCA enabled us to analyze thoroughly which set of conditions leads to which outcome. Further instrument of data collection has been an online survey to all country offices. Additional qualitative data has been collected in the US and during eight country visits. The evaluation has been conducted together with Proman and further Consultants. CEval took over the lead with regard to the evaluation methodology.

Evaluation of the Funding Activities of the Foundation Environment and Development North Rhine-Westphalia

The Foundation Environment and Development North Rhine-Westphalia was founded 2001 and promotes mainly volunteer environmental and development work of civil society groups. The objective of the foundation is to support the environmental and development work in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in order to establish this work in the consciousness and in the practical involvement of the population permanently and at the state of the art.

For this purpose about 1,100 projects of non-profit organisations in NRW were supported with a volume of EUR 47.5 million so far. In addition, the Foundation carries out its own projects, to also promote the implementation of Agenda 21 of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in in 1994.

Within the evaluation, the results and effects of the funding activities of the Foundation were recorded and assessed. Furthermore, the evaluation was intended to find out information on potential inhibitory and / or promoting factors in the funding activities of the Foundation with respect to the foundation goals. Based on these findings recommendations on priorities of the Foundation with regard to content, actors, target groups and the methods and formats will be derived.

CEval applied a mixed method approach to collect relevant data. Therefore, relevant documents and accessible data of the foundation and of funded projects will be analysed. This will be combined with data based on qualitative guideline-based interviews with several stakeholders and standardised online surveys of current and completed projects.