CEval cooperates with GIZ Vietnam

For almost two years the CEval supported the “Social Dimension of Sustainable Green Growth” project, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Vietnam. The GIZ project provides capacity building in Social, Gender and Policy Impact Assessment for the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam and relevant implementing agencies. The […]
New publication: The Institutionalisation of Evaluation in the Americas

The book ‘The Institutionalisation of Evaluation in the Americas’ is the second volume of the project ‘Evaluation Globe – Compendium on the Institutionalisation of Evaluation’ with the overall aim to provide an interdisciplinary audience with cross-country learning to enable them to better understand the institutionalisation of evaluation in different nations, world regions and sectors.
New continuing education master’s degree in evaluation to start in October 2022

The interdisciplinary, part-time Master’s program in the field of scientific continuing education (German-language) supports the professionalization of evaluation.
New course start: ‘Coordinator in Monitoring & Evaluation’ of the GNE in cooperation with CEval!

The recurring course ‘Coordinator in Monitoring & Evaluation’ starts again on July 1! Continuous registration for the course through the Society for Sustainable Development (GNE) is possible on the course page.