Within the frame of Philippine-German Technical Cooperation the project „Promotion
and Expansion of Dual Training and Education“ is carried out by TESDA
(Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) and GTZ (German Agency
for Technical Cooperation) since 1996. The overall goal of the project is
to develop a „highly skilled Filipino workforce sufficient to meet
the need of the economy“. The projects purpose is to ensure
that „systematic and effective dual training programs will be operationalized“.
In 2000 it has been agreed that the project should develop and implement
a Monitoring and Evaluation System concentrating on impact with the consultancy
and expertise of the Center for Evaluation (CEval). As a first step the respective
indicators have been developed in a joint workshop. They are distinguished
according to their internal or external impacts.
The indicators with internal impact refer to
1. Goal Acceptance
2. Qualification of personnel
3. Effectiveness of organizational structures
4. Financial resources
5. Quality of technical facilities
6. Quality of DTS (Dual Training System) programs
The indicators with external impact refer to:
7. Diffusion effects in postsecondary training system
8. Diffusion effects in the employment system
9. Frame conditions
By means of five surveys conducted between 2000 and 2002 a central data
basis for the implementation of the Monitoring and Evaluation System was
created. The School/Training Center Survey, the Technical Teacher Survey,
the Manager Survey and the Trainor Survey have been conducted by standardized
quantitative face-to-face interviews. The Graduate Survey has been conducted
as a tracer study by written questionnaires.
After having conducted almost all the data necessary for the rating of the
indicators, the M&E-indicator list can be filled out with the respective
information in a last working step. In order to do so it is necessary that
the available data of the surveys and further information and statistics
are analysed in imported in the respective categories of the M&E-indicator
list. This is the requirement for a final rating which shall be done in a
joint workshop of German and Philippine project partners moderated by the
M&E-consultants. In order to finish the M&E-cycle for the first time,
the ratings performed in the workshop have to be transferred to the M&E-system.
The result will be a complete M&E-document which functions as reference
for all further M&E-activities.